For Industry Partners

At the Wadhwani School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, we are at the forefront of cutting-edge research in a variety of discplines. Our commitment is not just to academic excellence but also to fostering meaningful collaborations with industry partners.

Why Partner with Us?

  • Innovative Research: Our department is a hub for cutting-edge research in data science and AI. Highly interdisciplinary in our composition, partnering with us gives you access to groundbreaking developments and the opportunity to shape future innovations.
  • Talent Pipeline: Tap into a pool of bright, skilled students and graduates who can bring fresh perspectives and cutting-edge skills to your team.
  • Customized Solutions: Collaborate with our expert faculty to develop tailored solutions that address your specific challenges and leverage the latest in AI and data science. We already have ongoing projects with several leading companies in India and abroad.
  • Professional Development: Enhance your team’s skills through workshops, seminars, and courses designed specifically for industry professionals.

Collaboration Opportunities

  • Joint Research Projects: Engage in mutually beneficial research projects that push the boundaries of what’s possible in AI and data science.
  • Internships and Placements: Provide practical experience to our students while benefiting from their fresh insights and skills.
  • User-oriented MTech programmes: We have an ongoing programme in Industrial AI and are exploring creating more customised programmes for our industrial partners.
  • Sponsored PhD Programs: Support aspiring researchers in projects that align with your company’s objectives and gain early access to innovative ideas.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Participate in knowledge exchange programs where industry and academia can share insights, challenges, and opportunities.

Get Involved

We welcome partnerships that drive innovation, create real-world impact, and shape the future of data science and AI. If you’re interested in exploring collaboration opportunities, please contact us at!